Methods in Enzymology Vol.263 Plasma Lipoproteins, Part C: Quantitation

Discussion in 'Methods in Enzymology Book Series' started by admin, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    The term apolipoprotein was initially coined by John Oncley to refer to the protein constituents of plasma lipoproteins. Plasma apolipoproteins are of interest principally because of their central role in plasma lipid transport and, hence their role in atherogenesis. Over the past several decades, a great deal has been learned about apolipoprotein structure and function. The regulation of apolipoprotein gene expression and the molecular mechanisms of apolipoprotein function are beginning to be revealed. Given the rate of progress in this research, therapeutic applications that target the expression or metabolism of specific apolipoproteins can be expected in the near future. Central to the functions of all apolipoproteins (apo) is the ability to bind phospholipids that reside in specialized regions termed “amphiphathic helices.” The characteristic feature of the amphipathic helix is the spatial arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids. The hydrophobic face of the helix is intercalated between the fatty acyl chains of phospholipids, whereas the hydrophilic face is located close to the polar head groups of phospholipids. Such an orientation allows the interaction of protein domains with lipoprotein-modifying enzymes and cellular receptors that control the catabolism of lipoproteins (Lp) and their removal from the circulation. The apoB gene differs from other apolipoprotein genes in genomic organization, in that it contains 29 exons, 2 of which are extremely long. In addition to the amphipathic helix motifs, located mainly in the carboxyterminal half, apoB contains unique proline-rich sequences predicted to form amphipathic β sheets. The evolutionary relationship between apoB and the other apolipoproteins is, therefore, not clear. ApoD is not a member of the apolipoprotein gene family, as it differs from all other apolipoproteins in genomic organization, primary structure, and tissue sites of expression. Similar arguments can be used to qualify apo[a] and minor apolipoproteins, such as aport and apoJ, as atypical apolipoproteins.
    • Series: Methods in Enzymology (Book 263)
    • Hardcover: 403 pages
    • Publisher: Academic Press;
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 0121821641
    • ISBN-13: 978-0121821647
    • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 9 inches
    Link Download
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2021

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